The heart of New Life is to reach the next generation!

We provide a safe and easy computer check in system for all parents.  For those who are new, we have someone at the check in station to help make your check in process simple.  Check in starts at 9:30 am for the 10:00 am service.

We have excellent NL Kids servant leaders in each environment who are ready to lead and serve your kids and partner with you while helping make a lasting impact on your loved ones and your family.

We have three main environments for kids.

Babies & Toddlers (under 2 years of age)

Your babies and toddlers are loved on by some amazing and loving servant leaders.  There are activities they engage in, songs sung to them, words of life spoken over them and a weekly lesson (for toddlers) they grow in.

Preschool (ages 2-pre-K)

Preschoolers are some of the most curious-minded people on earth.  It is that curiosity that is engaged in our Preschool environment by our servant leaders through song, video, projects, lessons and play.  Your kids will love interacting with their servant leaders and each other.

The Babies and Toddlers and Preschool environments are designed so that each child will grow up believing that:
God made me.
God loves me.
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

This is done by inciting the wonder of God in their hearts.

Elementary (K-5th grade)

While our Babies and Toddlers and Preschool environments incite wonder in babies, toddlers and preschoolers, our Elementary environment, provokes discovery in the heart of a child.

It is in this environment where we want to plant these truths into the heart of every child:
I need to make the wise choice.
I can trust God no matter what.
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Each week your child comes home from Babies and Toddlers, Preschool or Elementary, we believe they will be changed, at least a little bit, into a little more like Jesus.  And like it was said of Jesus, we believe it will be said of your child...

"Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people." - Luke 2:52