thomason westside community center

The Thomason Westside Community Center is the portion of NL’s facilities used for community events, weddings, funerals, non-profits and other organizations to help impact our community with good.  It is named in honor of our founding pastors, AW and Myrtle Thomason, who pastored here for 30 years.  Their commitment to the community and future generations was evident and we strive to honor that commitment at the Thomason Westside Community Center.  

Many organizations have used the Thomason Westside Community Center.  Some of our current partners include:  The Training Center, an academic enrichment program for students, Circles USA, a support system for those in poverty, MVOTC, a training club for dog obedience, Lifeline Screening and local election voting.

Click Here for more information about The Training Center.

Click Here for more information about Circles USA.

Click Here for more information about MVOTC.

Click Here for more information about Lifeline Screening.

We also have spaces for weddings, funerals and parties that can be reserved.  If you or your organization would be interested in using the Thomason Westside Community Center please fill this form out and let us now a little bit about you, your organizaton.  We look forwarded to partnering with you soon.

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